Daily Mantra

1. HYDRATION 2. Eat every 2-3 hours; no grazing 3. Protein FIRST 4. Daily exercise, big or small

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A day signaling renewal

Easter takes on a new meaning when your youngest child is 16.  It used to be egg hunts, baskets, stuffed bunnies, and a huge dinner with lots of family.  In retrospect, it stressed me out beyond recognition.  As I move into the new phase of my life, I seek out ways to bring calm and peace into my life. 

On this day, I challenge you to find one thing to examine, restructure and renew.  My challenge is to break down my week into days, scheduling tasks daily.  What is most difficult for me is procrastination.  What ends up happening is, I have tasks that need to be performed.  I look at the ENTIRE task and am so overwhelmed, I cannot begin.  I freeze.  Another issue of mine is, I must complete a task once I start.  This ties into the procrastination, and ultimately not getting tasks complete.  I'm going to plan out my weeks on a daily basis; doing small tasks each day instead of ALL tasks in one day.  This also includes my dinner menus.  I will shop weekly, and then set up the upcoming menu based on what I purchased.  So my renewal is to kinder to my mind, and find ways to calm myself by making molehills out of mountains.

Since it's a family day I'm opting for a short and sweet entry.  But, renewal of a daunting situation in your life a huge undertaking.  Today's blog maybe be small, but your task is huge.  Don't be discouraged if success isn't instant...nothing in life worth having is easy.

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